
Emacs (originally EMACS, a set of Editor MACroS), is a number of text editing programs which are known for their extensive customizability. There are a host of emacs features which we intend to discuss on this blog. Some highlights are:

Finally, the longstanding emacs vs. vim debate will scarcely be discussed here. Emacs is typically favored on this site, but we pass no judgement on users who prefer vim.

  • Managing my Annotated Bibliography with Emacs' Org Mode
    [General Computing] Org mode is a fantastic tool for managing references. Here’s a description of how I use it, and some additional packages, to manage my annotated bibliography.
  • A Guide to My Organizational Workflow: How to Streamline Your Life
    Detailed notes are needed to accomplish individual projects or tasks but not the big picture. Task lists and calendars focus on the big picture at the expense of detail. An effective organizational system requires both. This post gives a high-level overview of my Getting Things Done inspired organizational workflow.
  • Literate Programming with Org-mode
    [General Computing] I frequently use Org mode to combine code snippets and analysis in a single document, a programming paradigm known as Literate Programming. Here are a few example showing how powerful this setup can be.
  • A Complete Guide to Email in Emacs using Mu and Mu4e
    [General Computing] Most email clients are a pain. Emacs & mu4e are less of a pain.
  • Vim Within Emacs: An Anecdotal Guide
    [General Computing] After using Emacs for 2 years, I decided to give “evil-mode” (Vim keybindings) a tentative try and I’m not looking back.
  • My Workflow with Org-Agenda
    [General Computing] I use Emacs’ “org-mode” to organize my life. Here’s a snippet of how I get it all working.
  • Getting Started with Use-Package
    [General Computing] Jump-start emacs with use-package and never manually install another package again
  • C/C++ Completion in Emacs
    [General Computing] Handle large-project C++ completion with Irony & GNU GLOBAL